Monday, August 29, 2011

Welcome Reese's Pieces

This weekend was a day of births. 
Not only was my amazing nephew, Shepard Mitt Romney, born 
happy and healthy to my fabulous sister and her husband; but our lovely friends
Katlin and Dave welcomed their beautiful baby girl.
Reese Cassandra Dorius. 

Naturally I will refer to her as Reese's Pieces. 

Proud daddy, and mommy with baby.

Reese's Pieces was the most perfect baby ever. Every time someone new held her
she just calmly gazed at them as if studying their face.

The proud uncles: uncle Pete, uncle Ben, uncle Ryanbroth and uncle Cam. Ps all these people including
Dave and Katlin are some of our closets friends in the entire world

Happy momma and baby

When we're all together it's pretty hysterical and the fact that Katlin just
went through a birth didn't stop us from having
a good time. Here's an excerpt from part of our conversation. We were talking
about how Ben has been to many hospitals to visit his newborn nieces and nephews.

Cam: Ben works part time as a midwife.
Ben: Yes, I do. I prefer doing tub births.
Katlin: Did you see the tub in the bathroom? I could have had a tub birth in there.
Cam: I can just see Ben in there skimming the water like a pool guy. He has a trash can next to him that 
says 'bio hazard'.
Ben: I'd take it home and lay it out in my garden as a nice fertilizer.
Cam: What?! Your plants would start talking to you! 
Ryanbroth: Feeeeddd uss Bennn...

P and I wore masks because we had both gotten over colds last week and we didn't want to
take any chances with the baby.

She was so tiny.....

Congrats to this beautiful family 
to my sister as well and little baby Shepard. 
Pictures of Shepard soon to come!

1 comment:

  1. wow that looks like such a peaceful and happy birth. congrats to them (:
